The STMI lab (pronounced stem-ee) was formed to develop truly integrative end-to-end solutions of smart systems to improve patient care and patient lives. We focus on the intersection of machine learning, embedded systems, and clinical outcomes research to develop new technologies that can be used to improve patient care and patient lives:
At its core, these problems require understanding the theoretical properties of the platforms as well as the data. Developing new models to interpret and improve clinical understanding and motivating the collection of new data leads to challenges in systems design, power, communication, and user interface design. In isolation, each field might provide solutions that can be adapted to the others, but by focusing on the end-to-end aspect of our designs, we explore the creation of systems that bridge theoretical gaps in each field as well as the gaps in multi-disciplinary adoption of these technologies.
We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Master, and undergraduate students to join the team (more info) !
Open Access Dataset! The STMI lab is excited to announce the publication of our collaboratively developed CGMacros dataset, now available on PhysioNet!
29 October 20243 Published Papers! The STMI lab congratulates Zhale Nowroozilarki, Ryan King, and labmates for their papers accepted by BHI 2024!
21 October 2024Dissertation Defense! The STMI Lab congratulates Arash Pakbin on the successful defense of his dissertation.
08 May 2024New Lab Member! The STMI lab congratulates undergraduate member Yichen Tao for his graduation and welcomes him back to our lab as a PhD student
15 April 20241 Published Journal! The STMI lab congratulates Sicong Huang for her paper accepted by IEEE OJEMB!